Pomodori gratinati

Here the overall tomato-ness of our tomatoes is intensified and concentrated with a little roasting, the perfect vehicle for the filling, or rather: a delightful mix of sharp-salty Parmesan, spicy assertive garlic, and summery basil, all held together with a little bread and a good bit of tomato for an extra tomato punch.

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Spaghetti with zucchine, egg, Parmesan, and basil

Think of this as carbonara's distant, vegetarian cousin. Still present is the ever-classic spaghetti, lots of freshly ground black pepper, and the addition of a beaten egg that is cooked quickly with the heat of the pasta to form a sauce -- from there, however, we swerve off the beaten path into a different sort of pasta dish, one where vegetables take the place of traditional guanciale, the more approachable, familiar Parmesan nudges the classic Pecorino out of the race, and there's the addition of a little bright basil.

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